If you think Western civilization is on the skids, get
acquainted with the people who greased the slide---
by Ellen McClay
A History of the Malignant
Effects in American Schools
of the U.N.'s UNESCO: Its
Transformation of American Society,
from the lips of those who did

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The Story of the United Nations
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

in the comfort of your computer chair,
you can learn about the traitors in the State Department, the Treasury Department, the White House, whose betrayals at Dumbarton Oaks,
Bretton Woods, Yalta, San Francisco
fashioned the world in which you live today, creating the chaos of the
world order, which
would have you surrender your sovereignty to an international clique of robbers.
names may seem familiar, but do you know what they really did? Do you know
their legacy affects your child in school and thereby threatens the future of
American national sovereignty?
WHY do
American school children say: I
pledge allegiance to the World, to cherish every Living Thing, to care for Earth
and Sea and Air, with Peace and Freedom everywhere."
Instead of
pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States and to the Republic for which
it stands, one nation UNDER GOD, indivisible with liberty and justice for
Where DID
Americans learn to hate the land of their birth?
They learned it in school, when the schools began using
textbooks under the imprimatur of UNESCO,
which talked peace but waged war--clandestine war--underground war
on America's children in America's public schools--without the
knowledge or consent of American parents.
For sixty-three
years American schools have annually spewed forth about 3
million graduates of that war into American society, victims of
the most massive brainwashing program ever attempted in order to
undo the results of the American Revolution.
In 1945
Communist agents in the State Department with the aid of their
internationalist sympathizers set out to destroy the warp and
woof of America's culture by seizing control of the nation's
Speak peace but practice war--
Under the
auspices of planners in the State Department with Alger Hiss and
Dean Acheson among the guidance counselors at the three plotting
conferences, Dumbarton Oaks, Bretton Woods, and finally San
Francisco, unveiled Roosevelt's Road to Ruin, the UNESCO, IMF,
and World Bank, entangling our finances inextricably with all the
socialist have-not nations of the world at the same time
deliberately destroying American pride in the product of the
American Revolution against tyranny.
This underground
war on concepts uniquely American through textbooks began
surfacing within months of the formation of UNESCO--United
Nations Educational, Science, and Cultural Organization. UNESCO's
preamble declares, "Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is
in the minds of men that the defences (sic) of peace must be
constructed." They declared their own war of subversion. In
1947 an examination of just one set of texts by a California
Senate committee found the books "unfit for use in American
schools." As the committee stated, from these books the reader
would never find anything good about the country.
Clearly this was
the beginning of a universal hatred of the United States which
like a virus, grew and spread with every new textbook. Only two
years later, in 1949, so many texts had been published the
national Sons of the American Revolution petitioned Congress for
an investigation "of the interstate traffic and propaganda
textbooks and teaching materials being introduced in the public
schools of the Several States, to overthrow constitutional
government and to bring about the adoption of a Social Welfare
"Our schools are
being converted into agencies for the dissemination of radical
propaganda, much of which originates in Communist front
organizations! Gullible or indoctrinated 'liberals' supporting
these organizations appear to be responsible for this condition.
"We believe the
people, and particularly the parents of children in our public
schools, have a right to know what is going on and what is
proposed for our American youth."
American schools
have been and are an adjunct of the most viciously anti-American
propaganda outfit ever conceived. Anyone who claims to be a
patriot, and leaves their children in these tax-supported
brainwashing facilities is betraying their own beliefs.
"If there is
anything UNESCO dislikes, it is patriotism. It wants to replace
it with what it calls world-mindedness. In order to bring this
about, it must wipe out of the minds of our youngsters respect
and admiration and love for American traditions and the American
way of life and instill in their place respect and admiration
and love for all the countries of the world. Logically, this
could only bring respect and admiration and love for the
socialist and fascist and communist way of life which is
prevalent in those countries." (John T. Flynn, commentator of the era)
This clearly has
been successful.
UNESCO doesn't want your children to know the uniqueness
of our Republic -- they rank the U.S. as no different from any
other form of government. Well, it didn't start out that way --
no matter what has been done to it since. Anti-Americanism is
taught in American schools from kindergarten through graduate
Explore UNESCO, the unseen
silent enemy of everything American.
Why America's Founders
disappeared from American textbooks.
Who patterned the U.N.
Charter after the Soviet constitution -- not the
American Constitution
Why you will never get
Darwin's Theory of Evolution out of American schools
Why the U. N. flag looks so
much like the Soviet Military Arms flag (see picture below)

______ 1952,
Los Angeles HeraldExpress
The idea of a "living
Constitution" which can be altered without following
the Constitution's procedures as required by law,
originated with the Communist Party. This is how judges are
becoming activists and making laws, rewriting the Constitution
one step at a time.
How did we get into
the financial mess we are in today? Nobody looks beyond
Wall Street and Washington to the
international banks and
bankers who are controlling the finances of the world.
The more money
you owe, the richer you are,
was the philosophy of John Maynard Keynes, co-founder of the
IMF and the World Bank. His co-founder was a secret Soviet
agent planted in the U.S. Treasury Department, Harry Dexter
White. Neither of these two plotters liked the United
States. While UNESCO was dumbing down the children, Keynes'
and White's philosophy was destroying the country
These are just some of the
subjects explored in this new paperback book, available on
published by
Authorhouse, 1663 Liberty
Drive, #200, Bloomington, Indiana 47403
(800) 839-8640
In the Presence of Our
Enemies, a new paperback,
details UNESCO's origin, meticulously and painstakingly
researched to give you facts which have always been
obscured--how America's schools have been the object of social
and cultural changes by slow poison--just as little drops of
water over long periods of time wear away stone, creating
stalactites and stalagmites, unrecognizable as the stones from
which the erosion started. You need to know who they were and
what they did -- behind your back -- and what are the sources of
the cultural wars now being fought in classrooms and
courtrooms. This is part of the conflict of the ages which
started with Lucifer's revolt in Heaven, extended through the
tower of Babel down to modern times and the 20th century Tower
of Babel on New York's east side -- the so-called "United
Nations," which celebrated its 60th anniversary last year --
having produced more wars than in all history.
Culled from hundreds of
government documents, histories, textbooks, the end goal has
always been world government, a world society, a world religion,
now under construction by UNESCO and friends for 2020.
